I’ve signed with the marketer, now what can I expect?

Once you have signed with the marketer, you should notify the utility that you have elected to purchase your gas from them. The utility company representative will provide you with a form that outlines information such as the company details, signing authority, selected rates, and confirmation that you are wish to change rates. This form should be sent directly from you, and should be faxed or e-mailed to us for expediency.
The utility company will prepare contracts for you to sign. Once you have signed the contracts, and returned them, the next step is to install the telephone line. Detailed requirements of the telephone line are submitted with the contract documents.
Once the contract is returned, and you advise that the phone line is installed, The utility company will advise applicable billing departments that you are no longer buying your commodity from the utility, effective the first day of the following month (or later if indicated on the contract).
The utility company will install the AMR and whatever meter upgrades are required, and program it to download the data to our central computer. This may not be done immediately, especially at the start of a new contract year, however that will not delay the start of your new contract.
The meter will be manually read on the last day of the existing rate, and all charges up to that date will be charged the same as you are currently being billed.